徐璐/Erica Sheu,畢業於東華大學英美語文學系、美國加州藝術學院電影與錄像研究所(CalArts MFA in Film/Video)。創作包含實驗電影短片、現場電影表演與裝置藝術。作品主要關注於變形的日記電影、手作膠卷電影、投影與投射、家族與國族記憶。作品曾在紐約電影節、多倫多電影節、鹿特丹影展、台灣國際紀錄片影展等場合放映。「後照鏡ЯeaRflex」台灣實驗電影集社的成員。目前在美國洛杉磯工作生活。

Erica Sheu/徐璐 makes short films, expanded cinema and installation with celluloid film. Her work is often about diary film, handmade film, screen and projections, cross-generational memories, Taiwanese identity politics. Her experimental short films have been shown at NYFF Currents, TIFF Wavelengths, IFFR Bright Future, (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periferico, EXiS, TIDF among other film festivals and venues. Sheu holds an MFA in Film/Video from CalArts. She works and lives in Los Angeles. 

Making kin(o) with 後照鏡ЯeaRflex